Mass Media Programs Thriving on the Competition Scene


Our Middle and Upper School mass media programs have been busy on the competition trail this Winter, attending workshops, participating in conventions, and entering contests.

In late November, Upper School journalism and broadcasting students attended the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Washington D.C., where they joined more than 6,000 attendees to hear from keynote speaker, Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd, tour the Washington Post Printing Plant, participate in various sessions, and compete in a variety of journalistic writing, and photo and video contests sponsored by the Journalism Education Association. There were 2,126 student competitors and 864 winners, including Gulliver’s own On-the-Spot contest winners:

Nina Castro Alves ‘22, Video Package Editing

Honorable Mentions:
Kathleen Lewis ‘21, Feature Writing
Teresa Ariza ‘21, Commentary Writing
Morgan Vasquez, Review Writing
Pedro Schmeil ‘20, Broadcast Feature Story
Chris Purcell ‘19, Broadcast Newswriting
Lucas Figueroa ‘22 and David Haisch ‘21, Broadcast News Package
Kimberley Cruz ‘20, Yearbook Copy & Caption Academics

Each of Gulliver’s 2019 publications and its current online news site and morning news show competed in the Best in Show competition, as the 2019 Reflections literary magazine placed sixth out of 10 award recipients.

Middle School mass media students have also been active on the competition scene as Anya Gruener ’24 and Isabella Perry ’24 recently placed second in the Student Television Network National Competition. Their PSA titled “Disconnect to Reconnect” can be watched here.

“This is an immense honor for the program and our students, as this is the top competition available for student journalists in the broadcasting field,” said Mrs. Cristina Salup, Middle School Department Chair, Digital Mass Media, and Raider Student Network Advisor.

“Role Model” featuring Cassandra Kraft ’23, was also submitted into the Student Television Network National Competition, and be viewed here.