Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As a way to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., students took to the digital space to express their own dreams, encourage others to realize their dreams, and educate our community. One of last week’s Early Bird Broadcast segments celebrated Make Your Dreams Come True Day, while our second graders reflected on and wrote about their dreams in a poem then chose their favorite dream to be featured in a video compilation by Mrs. Gonzalez. Additionally, multimedia contributor for The Raider Voice, Anya Gruener ’24, created a video about Dr. King, his historical achievements, and his legacy in civil rights, and the January 24, 2022, airing of RaiderVision featured interviews with students, faculty, and staff.
Daily Impact Interviews: Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.
By Jordan Bankston ’23, RaiderVision
Special Feature | Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Anya Gruener ’24, The Raider Voice
Early Bird Broadcast: Make Your Dreams Come True Day
Produced by Cindy Gonzalez, Lower School Technology Faculty
Grade 2: I Have a Dream
Produced by Cindy Gonzalez, Lower School Technology Faculty