Getting to Know Carlos “Mr. Ori” Orizondo P ‘28, Middle School Theatre Faculty & Director

Home > Getting to Know Carlos “Mr. Ori” Orizondo P ‘28, Middle School Theatre Faculty & Director


Through our Faculty/Staff Spotlight series, we invite our community members to get to know Gulliver Prep teachers and staff members across every division. This week, our spotlight features Carlos “Mr. Ori” Orizondo P ‘28, Middle School Theatre Faculty & Director. Read on to learn about how he became interested in theatre, his favorite memory at Gulliver, exciting upcoming projects, and more.

How long have you been at Gulliver?

This is my 16th year teaching at the Marian C. Krutulis PK-8 Campus, proudly serving as Director of our Middle School Theatre Program.

What is your favorite thing about our school?

The overall atmosphere. From the beautiful open campus to the diversity of our community. It is a joy and privilege to come to work every day!

What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

I was a very shy and introverted child. In fact, my parents were sometimes asked, “Does he ever speak?” Guess I was saving it all for the stage!

How did you become interested in theatre?

I took an acting class in college, received some positive feedback, and auditioned for a play. I didn’t make the cast and vowed to never try again. Of course, I did and made it the next time. Soon after, as we say in theatre, “I was bit by the bug!”

What do you enjoy most about teaching Middle School Theatre?

No question, the students! Seeing their happy faces as they enter the classroom, then watching them light up the stage with their talent and passion! It’s during those special moments when I might dry an eye and whisper to myself, “Boy am I lucky!”

Do you have any upcoming projects you’re excited about?

The 2024 Spring Musical! It’s one of my all-time favorite stories and a show that I have always wanted to direct. We’ll be announcing it soon and I just can’t wait!

What are your goals for this school year?

To find new and exciting ways to incorporate all the wonderful things that our new classroom and facilities have to offer our students! It’s a new era for our school and the future is bright!


Raider Rapid fire!

Favorite local restaurant and go-to dish: Hillstone, French Dip

The last book you read: Surrender by Bono

A song that puts you in a good mood every time: “I Want It That Way” by The Backstreet Boys

A favorite Gulliver memory: Walking down the hall with my son on his very first day of school. A true blessing.


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