Architecture Students Win Big at Florida State Fair

Upper School architecture students competed at the Florida State Fair in 2020.

Recently, Upper School architecture students submitted original works in the Florida State Fair Competition. Fifteen students earned 23 honors across five categories, including a Best of Show Award received by Raphaella Egas ’21. Winning works were on display at the Florida State Fair in Tampa.

Below is a complete list of all 2020 winners:

Category of Architectural Model
Mercedes Vargas – First Place
Juan Carlos Varela-Perez – Second Place
Olivia Duncan – Third Place
Abby Sharp – Honorable Mention

Category of Architecture / CAD
Eva Cazar – First Place
Matteo Akl – Second Place
Tuse Tahhan – Second Place
Tiago Abreu – Third Place
Raphaella Egas – Honorable Mention

Category of Architecture / Hand Drafting
Karela Palazio – First Place
Lilly Enekes – Second Place
Raphaella Egas – Honorable Mention

Category of Architectural Rendering (Hand Drafted)
Tuse Tahhan – First Place
Raphaella Egas – Second Place
Norberto Lamenca – Third Place
Brett Katz – Honorable Mention
Mercedes Vargas – Honorable Mention

Category of Architectural Rendering (CAD Drafted)
Raphaella Egas – First Place
Tuse Tahhan – Second Place
Valentino Agnelli – Third Place
Abby Sharp – Honorable Mention
Sofia Aspillaga  – Honorable Mention

Best of Show Award: Raphaella Egas