Alumni Spotlight: Bill Tovell ‘92

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We recently caught up with Bill Tovell ‘92 when he returned to Gulliver for the first time since graduation. Bill is a member of our Alumni Council and was the featured speaker for parents and students at the International Business Honor Society Induction Ceremony earlier this month. His tour of campus included chatting with students and even a pick-up game of basketball with some of our JV basketball players. Read on to learn more.

Bill Tovell ‘92

What are you up to these days? Describe your career path.

Following decades in New York City, I recently moved to Dallas, Texas, with my wife and two sons. After a lengthy career in banking, I am excited to start a new chapter, exploring new opportunities in Dallas after taking a couple of months to spend more time with my family. My wife and I have made several investments over the past decade, so I want to spend some time managing our portfolio of venture investments. Our portfolio spans across food and beverage (Brooklyn Gin and Mosaic Solutions), media (Righteous Media), cosmetics (PRIORI Skincare), and real estate.

Is there anything you learned during your time at Gulliver Prep that you feel was helpful in your life after Gulliver?

My favorite takeaway from my time at Gulliver was the range of classes and activities offered to students. When a car accident ended my athletic career in May of 1991, I focused on policy debate. Looking back, I was not the best at any one subject or activity. Instead, I feel I was well-rounded from spreading myself across different activities.

Bill Tovell ‘92 with Daniela BrenhaAre there any Gulliver teachers or coaches you credit as having positively influenced you?

It is hard for me to single out teachers and coaches from Gulliver because I had a really positive experience with 99% of them. 

As a Gulliver Prep alumnus, what advice would you give to current students?

My advice to current students is to a) keep an open mind about what you want to do in life; b) curveballs will come your way and that is OK; and c) pursue activities you truly care about.

Rapid Fire

A quote that motivates you: A desk is a dangerous place from which to view the world. – John le Carre

A hobby you picked up or went back to during the pandemic: trying to survive with two homeschool children and two working parents.

Favorite cartoon character growing up: G.I. Joe

Your go-to Starbucks order: I don’t drink Starbucks. My go-to order from LDU coffee, a local coffee company, is a flat white.


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