Alumni Spotlight: Ana Cristina Cash ‘03

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We recently caught up with Ana Cristina Cash ‘03. Read on to find out what she’s been up to since high school, her favorite memories from her time at Gulliver Prep, her career path, and more!

Ana Cristina Cash '03What are you up to these days?

I am currently living in Nashville with my husband and our two-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. I am putting the finishing touches on my new country-pop record and working in our recording studio, The Cash Cabin Studio. I will be rehearsing for upcoming live performances soon and will be the Co-Chair of the 2025 Nashville Ballet Ball. 

What do you like about the work you are doing now? Describe your career path.

I have been working as a performer and recording artist professionally since I was a young child. The music industry has been one of my greatest teachers in life. I have learned many lessons from then and now in adulthood. Something that is very important for the work that I do is communication skills. I love to create. I love to write songs and perform them and connect with an audience. There is nothing like it to me. It is often unpredictable, but I would not trade it for the world. 

Is there anything you learned during your time at Gulliver Prep that you feel was helpful in your life after Gulliver?

Yes. Most definitely. For an empathic and artistic young adult, it was very important for me to have a creative outlet in my school. I was diagnosed with ADHD as a teenager and sometimes struggled in my classes. It was important for me to have a place where I could express myself and utilize my skills and abilities and feel that I was a part of a team. For me, that was my Musical Theatre and Chorus class at Gulliver Prep. High schools are very often sports driven and I was so thankful that Gulliver had a strong arts department. It made all of the difference in the world to someone like me. 

During the time that I was at Gulliver, I was in a unique position because I was already working as a professional, signed Sony Music Recording artist during my time there. I navigated the social aspect of my teenage years all the while working a job. It was an interesting juxtaposition, but it made me grow. I never let my diagnosis or anyone’s view of me get in the way of my goals. I continued to excel in my career and studies through hard work and perseverance. I graduated from Florida International University with a degree in broadcast journalism and my master’s degree in creative writing and literature from Harvard University with great scores. 

Are there any Gulliver teachers or coaches you credit as having positively influenced you? 

I loved Miss. Fitzgerald dearly! I would often get written up for four-hour Saturday detention by other teachers for minor infractions – mostly like talking too much in class or wardrobe. But she was so graceful about everything and was very kind to me. The sign language teacher at the time educated me by letting me take a video home about individuals that were deaf and hard of hearing that were in the arts and in theater. He knew that I was very much deep into the arts, so by doing that, he opened me up to a community that was doing the most that they could with their talents regardless of their condition. Also, Mr. C (Ron Castonguay), Miss. Geri and Mrs. Anderson were very influential to me. 

Ana Cristina Cash '03What is one of your favorite memories from your time at Gulliver Prep?

The morning assemblies and pep rallies, Mrs. Krutulis dressing up as a witch for Halloween, Homecoming and Prom, and band trips to Orlando with the chorus! 

What has been one of your proudest moments?

One of my proudest moments was debuting with my original music and songs at The Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. 

As an alumna, what advice would you give to current students? 

Never judge a book by its cover, and be kind to everyone. Also, everyone has the power to become the person that they want to be. 

Rapid fire! 

Favorite recent Amazon purchase: My Jane Iredale pressed face powder refill in warm silk. Going strong for 20 years! 

A song that you’ll never get tired of hearing: California Dreamin’ by the Mamas and the Papas 

Favorite place to vacation: San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Patagonia is amazing. 

Your go-to mid-afternoon snack or pick-me-up: I drink a Celcius around 3:00 or 4:00 pm for energy and have a peanut butter bar from “Perfect Bar”!


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